Project layout

Many of the toplevel files in the project directory are specific to our production environment.

  • ambuda contains the main server code.

  • data contains third-party data. (Not in version control.)

  • docs contains this documentation.

  • env contains our Python dependencies. (Not in version control.)

  • migrations contains database migration logic. For details on how to run migrations, see Managing the database.

  • node_modules contains our JavaScript dependencies. (Not in version control.)

  • production contains production configs. (Not in version control.)

  • scripts contains various initialization scripts for the repo.

  • test contains all of our unit tests.

Core code

ambuda contains the main server code, and this is where you will spend most of your time. Here are the toplevel files in this directory:

  • is the main entrypoint to Ambuda. It creates the app, sets up various URL routes, and adds filters that we can use in our template logic.

  • defines our internal admin panel, which we use to make ad-hoc changes to our production data.

  • contains our authentication logic.

  • contains important constants.

  • defines the database schema. This is an important file that you should change only with great care.

  • contains small enumerated data that we also store in the database.

  • contains template filters.

  • contains common database queries.

  • contains common database queries.

And the important subdirectories:

  • data contains our third-party data. (Not in version control.)

  • models defines our SQL table schemas and their relationships. All of these models are imported into

  • scripts contains utility scripts. Mostly, these are cleanup scripts that prepare text and parse data for the data repos that Ambuda depends on.

  • seed contains scripts to add data to the database.

  • static contains static assets (CSS and JS, mainly).

  • tasks contains long-running background tasks. (Comnig soon.)

  • templates contains HTML templates.

  • utils contains various small utility functions.

  • views contains Ambuda’s view logic, which combines most of the above to create server responses.

Database seed scripts

Every database seed script is idempotent. That is, running a seed script hundreds of times has the same effect as running it once. Idempotence is important because it lets us experiment with seed scripts without corrupting the database over and over.


(This section expects a basic working knowledge of Flask.)

  • proofing contains all views related to texts. Everything under the /texts URL prefix is located here.

  • reader contains all views related to texts. Everything under the /texts URL prefix is located here.

  • contains basic pages about Ambuda: our mission, values, etc.

  • contains an API blueprint, which decocarates all API routes that Ambuda uses.

  • contains our authentication endpoints: sign in, sign out, etc.

  • contains all views related to dictionary lookups. Everything under the /dictionaries URL prefix is located here.

  • contains basic high-level site pages, such as the About and Contact pages.