
All of Ambuda’s major commands are in Makefile.

Running the development server

After you’ve cloned the repo, you can bring up a minimal setup by running the following command:

make install

Next, run the following commands to create a new admin user:

./cli.py create-user
./cli.py add-role --username <username> --role admin

After that, you can bring up the development server:

make devserver

Then go to localhost:5000 to see the local application.

Some parts of Ambuda, such as PDF parsing, need to run tasks in the background. To add support for these in your local setup, run the following:

make celery

Roughly, Tailwind generates a new CSS file whenever it detects certain changes to Ambuda’s HTML files. For more details, see the Tailwind docs.

Linting and testing

For linting, you can use:

# Lints both JS and Python.
# - To lint just Python, run `black .`
# - To lint just JS, run `make js-lint`.
make lint

To run unit tests, you can simply run:

make test

And to check test coverage, run:

make coverage

Database migrations

Database migrations are complex. If you’re pulling an upstream change that contains a database schema change, run this command to upgrade your local database:

alembic upgrade head

See Managing the database to learn more about how to work with the test database and safely make schema changes.


Finally, you can generate these docs with:

make docs

Then you can view the output by opening _build/index.html.